Ministries in our Worship

  • Acolytes

    In most churches only young people serve as acolytes, carrying the cross and torches, lighting the candles, assisting at the altar, but at St Margaret’s we allow adults to serve as well.

  • Altar Guild

    The Altar Guild is responsible for “setting the table” for communion, making sure that everything appears beautiful for the congregation and ready for the priest.

  • Audio-visual Crew

    The AV crew have a twofold responsibility, making sure that people attending the service can hear and sharing the livestream on the web.

  • Choir

    Under the direction of Adam Munzert, St Margaret’s choir offers anthems at the collection and guidance throughout the service.

  • Flower Guild

    The Flower Guild is responsible for the beautiful flowers on the altar every week (except in Lent) and the amazing decorations at Christmas and Easter.

  • Lay Eucharistic Minister

    LEMs assist the priest and offer the wine to communicants during Eucharist.

  • Lectors

    Lectors read the lessons and Prayers of the People each Sunday. Licensed lectors can also lead Morning or Evening Prayer.

  • Ushers

    The ushers act as greeters, giving everyone a warm welcome on Sundays. Their quiet oversight and assistance make the service flow smoothly.