Ministries for our Parish

  • hands holding a rosary

    Prayer Chain

    We believe in the power of prayer. If you'd like to join the prayer chain or submit a prayer request…

  • Helping Hands

    Trips to the doctor, to the grocery store, to church; meals when we just can't manage; If you need a helping hand or would like to extend one…

  • Shepherd's list

    Vestry members keep watch on St. Margaret's flock with regular calls or e-mails.

  • Open Channels

    Communication flows through the parish in many ways: photos on Facebook, Instagram and the memo boards; news updates in the newsletter or on the website.

  • Fellowship

    From Sunday morning coffee hour to St. Margaret's 60th Anniversary Celebration and everything in between, the fellowship teams re-inforce our ties within the parish community.

  • Faith Formation

    Children’s Gospel stories, Bible study, Lenten and Advent meditations, and the parish retreat to Shrine Mont help us grow in faith together.

  • painting the walls

    Building & Grounds

    Upkeep takes a dedicated crew, always working to make things better.

  • Lay Eucharistic Visitors

    The Lay Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those who cannot attend church in person. To request a visit…