Upcoming Events
Easter choir
7 pm Thursday rehearsals
Join the choir for special music on Palm Sunday and Easter. No experience necessary
Quarterly Clean up
April 6th after the service
Join the Building and Grounds crew for the spring cleaning
Agape Meal
5:00 pm April 17
Join us for the Agape meal before the Maundy Thursday service
Regular events
10 am Study (Chapel)
11 am Healing service with Communion (Chapel)
12 noon Soup and Sandwich lunch (Parish Hall sign up)
7 pm Contemplative prayer (Library)
in the Sanctuary throughout Lent
March 9: Video with Joan Chittister on "What Ever Happened to Our Souls”
March 16-April 6 Discussion of The Time is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage
All are welcome. Come join us for special music on Palm Sunday and Easter
Children leave after the Gospel reading for their own stories upstairs