Sustaining the church
Pastoral Care
Helping Hands and the St. Margaret's Prayer chain provide comfort and support for those who are in need. We also offer Thanksgiving for our many blessings
From Sunday morning coffee hour to St. Margaret's 50th Anniversary Celebration and everything in between, the fellowship teams re-inforce our ties within the church community.
Faith Formation (Adult Education)
Children's Education
Whether offering Bible stories during the sermon or a full Godly Play curriculum, St Margaret's treasurers our youngest members
Buildings and Grounds
Keeping the building sound and the grounds attractive is a massive job for the loyal crew who work Buildings and Grounds along with other church members who turn out once a quarter to help with seasonal maintenance.
Most members of the congregation are not aware of the critical job members of the finance team do to keep St Margaret's financially healthy and within budget.
Strong communications are essential, whether it is the weekly newsletter keeping the congregation up-to-date or banners to remind the neighborhood of trunk-or-treat or photos from the most recent gathering on the memoboards and Instagram.
Stewardship is more than just nagging people to hand in their pledge cards